You get out what you put in Running Blog at FastRunningBlog.Com Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:49:00 FeedCreator 1.7.2 Sat, Jun 24, 2023 <p>First race in years. First race since hip replacement in January. Felt great. Better than in at least 5 years.&nbsp; P got up early and ignorantly went running. Drove around trying to find him including to race and back. Got there and they had already started so I ran across the grass and jumped in. Just trying to be steady, at the turnaround to go around softball fields Teren already on canal road. Had a convo with a few people, ran backwards trying to spot Phin, 1/4 mile back already. At 1 mile I asked a lady the time she said 9:01. Perhaps I would have been faster because I did run faster the last 2 miles. Was slowly passing people and psyching myself up for the long neighborhood block. One guy passed me after canal that I knew I should hang with. The neighborhood wasn&#39;t bad, never saw 2 mile marker, was happy to run the whole time. Body and legs tired, not so much lungs. Got into park and tried to push, forgot that we don&#39;t just take asphalt around to finish but back up to top of DG basket #10. Was behind 2 guys around my age, passed a young kid on the downhill, cut into the dirt road--no one&#39;s going to go around that cone ;-) and tried to push. One guy ahead was uncatchable but was gaining on Clysdale in black, barely passed him from my sprint after the finish.<br /> Overall felt good, tweaked my right calf about 1/2 mile from finish, it&#39;ll be sore for a while. Walked back trying to see Phin, thought I&#39;d missed him but he discovered how long a 5K is. Called Becky and they were there, finally saw Phin and he finished in 40:30. Saw Sherry as well.<br /> In the kids race Jo no warm-up ran around and took 9th? 5:30 for a 1K? He didn&#39;t really get out of breath, just cruised and didn&#39;t really sprint in but really liked his finisher medal. After went to Men&#39;s breakfast and Bible study, Jeremiah 47, God in control of nations. P to Mel&#39;s for Bible Bee study.<br /> <br /> Thank you God for a body that can still run and still improve. Gracias por gratia.</p> Sat, 24 Jun 2023 06:00:00